Tuesday, September 27, 2016



Progress Missouri has identified 53 corporation-friendly bills introduced in the Missouri General
Assembly since 2000 with provisions that echo ALEC model legislation. The following list does not
include ALEC language snuck into larger bills, or legislation inspired by ALEC models but rewritten to
match Missouri statutes.

2014 HB1066 Jeff Grisamore ‘Education Savings Account Act’

Cashing in on termed out: Ron Richards’ non-reform bill - St. Louis Business Journal

Cashing in on termed out: Ron Richards’ non-reform bill - St. Louis Business Journal

Last month Jeff Grisamore registered to be a lobbyist in Jefferson City. Weeks earlier, Grisamore was a state representative. But as the new legislators were sworn in, Grisamore was termed limited out, so he decided to lobby. Grisamore isn't alone. He was the sixth member of his class to register to lobby.
This is known as the "revolving door." The public frowns on the practice because it appears that the legislators are cashing in on their public service as they pursue a potentially lucrative career lobbying.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Mo. Democrats filibuster religious-freedom bill that critics say could discriminate against gays - The Washington Post

Mo. Democrats filibuster religious-freedom bill that critics say could discriminate against gays - The Washington Post

Why Is Missouri Going Backwards?

I am just going to throw this out there. Missouri, Georgia, and North Carolina are trying to pass what they call religious freedom laws. These laws would allow them to discriminate against gays and lesbians.
What religion are they representing? It certainly couldn't be "Christians" because Jesus never would have behaved in this manner.
Which Bible are these "Christians" reading? I admittedly don't go to church. I can't stand the thought of spending my Sundays with hypocrites, bigots, liars, and haters. That is not my idea of worshiping God. But, make no mistake, I had read the Bible and feel that I know quite a bit about it.
I have been up close and personal with "Christians" that display behavior that is hurtful, hateful, and un-Christ-like. Their character is lacking in so many ways that I wish not to waste any of my time on them.
Jesus didn't hang out in the Temple He hung out with the sinners. He said to love your neighbor. How is discriminating against your neighbor showing love?
I would love for a "Christian" to find one verse in the Bible that has Jesus saying that you should be hateful and discriminatory against a sinner. Don't tell what a sin is or what a sinner is. I want you to show where Christ treated sinners the way that "Christians" do.