Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why We Needed The Scholarship Tax Credit

Talking Points for critical Special Needs Legislation: Missouri House Bill 1886

If a child receives early intervention, there is an 80% chance they will be able to return to mainstream public schools within 3-5 years.

Many parents, members of Missouri’s general assembly, various education and special needs organizations are supporting HB 1886.

The bill creates a scholarship tax credit program for the developmentally disabled.

Individuals and corporations would be able to receive an 80% tax credit for contributions into a special fund.

The dollars going into the fund would be made available to qualifying students to use as tuition reimbursement. Scholarships would be made available if an applicant meets certain criteria.

There are 130,000 students across Missouri with an IEP (individualized education plan).

A recent amendment to the bill has placed a cap of 10% of IEP students are eligible for the scholarship, in response to concerns that too many children leaving a school could make it hard to plan.

One of the goals of HB1886 is to remain as broad as possible to ensure that the scholarship fund effectively meets the needs of many students.

A report from the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Autism has lead to a call for action that requires the best, most innovative answers for families of developmentally disabled students.

Changes in public policies that support improved special needs education have won tremendous support in several states around the country. The success of the legislative efforts in Florida, Ohio and other states, along with the high degree of parent satisfaction with the improved education options that become available to them, has encouraged many people to unite around our legislative efforts right here in Missouri.

This legislation is especially important for families whose children want to stay in mainstream public schools, but who may need targeted, short-term intervention to help them catch up to their grade level.

News Alert: Governor Blunt has announced $175,000 in Youth Opportunities Program tax credits to Catholic Charities Community Services. This is significant in demonstrating that Missouri supports tax credits, administered by the Department of Economic Development, for private organizations committed to Missouri’s youth.

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