Saturday, March 2, 2013

Grisamore votes yes to make it more difficult for individuals to prevail in discriminiation cases.

Grisamore voted yes on this bill.  Do you still believe in him?

HB 320, which makes changes to the Missouri Human Rights Act, passed the House yesterday by a vote of 94 to 55.  The bill now moves to the Senate.  If the bill passes the Senate, it is likely that the Governor may veto the bill again, but it is more likely this year that the House and Senate would have the votes to override a veto.

HB320 would make it more difficult for individuals to prevail in some employment discrimination cases.  It is identical to HB 1219 last year that passed the House and Senate, but was vetoed by the Governor.   It would require workers who claim discrimination in wrongful termination lawsuits to prove that bias was a motivating factor, rather than just that it was a contributing factor.  The bill also lowers the amount of damages that can be awarded in employment discrimination cases and narrows current protections against workplace retaliation in for whistleblowers.

The bill has not yet been assigned to a Senate committee.

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